100 Park Place Suite #240 | San Ramon, CA 94583

Breast Reduction

Breast ReductionThe increased weight from large breasts over the years can result in neck, shoulder and upper back pain. The need for supportive bras can produce deep shoulder grooves and rounding of the shoulders affecting posture and limiting activity. Breast reduction surgery can be a life changing procedure for a patient. Relief of neck and back pain is often immediate and patients find they can be more active and are less restricted in their work, exercise and daily activities.

For many patients the physical relief of pain and the improved appearance of the breasts opens up a whole new life for them. Breast reduction includes a breast lift and the resulting scars are similar. The scars are limited to around the areola and straight down, a lollipop incision, in most cases, although the extent of scarring is determined by the amount of tissue removed.

Many insurance companies will cover breast reduction surgeries if certain criteria are met. Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon can determine if you are a candidate for the procedure, discuss the extent of the incisions required and discuss the procedure in more detail. Surgery is usually 2-3 hours and can be done as an outpatient procedure with an overnight stay.

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Who is a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

Women who have breasts that are too large for their frame and want them reduced can be candidates for breast reduction surgery. The increased weight from large breasts over the years can result in neck, shoulder and upper back pain. The need for supportive bras can produce deep shoulder grooves and rounding of the shoulders affecting posture and limiting activity. Breast reduction surgery can be a life changing procedure for a patient. Relief of neck and back pain is often immediate and patients find they can be more active and are less restricted in their work, exercise and daily activities.

For many patients the physical relief of pain and the improved appearance of the breasts opens up a whole new life for them. Breast reduction includes a breast lift and the resulting scars are similar. The scars are limited to around the areola and straight down, a lollipop incision, in most cases, although the extent of scarring is determined by the amount of tissue removed.

Will insurance cover the surgery?

Many insurance companies will cover breast reduction surgeries if certain criteria are met. Breast reduction surgery can relieve neck and back pain and improve quality of life significantly. Insurance criteria will take into account the weight of the breast reduction, medical symptoms, previous therapies to relieve symptoms and the impact on a patient’s lifestyle and work.

What does the surgery involve and how do I know if I am a candidate for the procedure?

Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon can determine if you are a candidate for the procedure, discuss the extent of the incisions required and discuss the procedure in more detail.

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Dr. Place always takes the time to answer my questions thoroughly. She does great work and I always feel safe and in good hands with her and her staff.

by SH

What can I expect for the surgery?

Surgery is usually 2-3 hours and can usually be done as an outpatient procedure. Patients with larger reductions or pre existing medical conditions can stay overnight. The final size for the breast can be discussed at the consultation and pre operative visit. On the day of surgery, the location and extent of the incisions are marked on the patient while standing. The breast reduction surgery includes a lift and repositioning of the breast back on to the patients center of gravity. After surgery, the chest is wrapped in an ace wrap which can be removed in 24 hours and a surgical bra is then worn for 2 weeks, day and night. Regular bras can be worn during the day after 2 weeks but the surgical bra is worn at night for another 2 weeks for light support. Small drains are placed at surgery to decrease swelling and speed the healing of the breast and these are usually removed several days to a week later.

What are the restrictions after surgery?

Patients are limited to light activity and no lifting greater than 10 lbs for the first 3 weeks. Walking is encouraged immediately after surgery but the level should be light with no strenuous activity. Caution with lifting, pulling or pushing is recommended in the first week. Activity can be increased to a light aerobic exercise at 3 weeks, weight resistance at 4 weeks and then building up over the next month to a regular workout. Pilates, yoga and push ups are restricted until 2 months.

Dr. Place is a board certified plastic surgeron, located in San Ramon, California, who is very skilled and has a vast amount of experience with the Breast reduction procedure. Contact Dr. Place to see how she can help you achieve your desired appearance.


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    100 Park Place Suite #240
    San Ramon, CA 94583

    Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
    Sat-Sun: Closed
