100 Park Place Suite #240 | San Ramon, CA 94583

Nose Surgery

Nose SurgerySeveral different procedures can help patients accomplish their goals in nose surgery. Reducing a bump on the nose from an old injury or reshaping the nose to match the face. Reducing or contouring the tip of the nose can enhance the appearance of the nose and the face. The nostril shape can be refined or reduced if the nose is too wide or flat. The dorsum of the nose can be augmented if it is poorly defined. Patients who have difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates from chronic allergies can also benefit from straightening the septum, opening the airway, and reducing the turbinates.

Nose Surgery Cost

Some procedures are medically indicated and may qualify for insurance coverage. Functional rhinoplasty to address breathing issues often falls into this category. The cost of purely cosmetic rhinoplasty is not covered by health insurance providers. Price can be discussed during a consultation.

Am I a Good Candidate for Nose Surgery?

Candidates for nose surgery must be in good overall health. People with medical conditions that could lead to a slower healing process may need to consider non-invasive treatments for improving the nose.

Nose surgery is highly customized for each patient, and because of this, results vary from patient to patient. It is important to set realistic expectations before undergoing the procedure. It is also helpful to have a good support system, since this can make you feel more confident and comfortable in your choice to come in for rhinoplasty.

Smoking and drinking alcohol can have negative effects during and after nose surgery. They can result in excessive swelling and slower healing. Before undergoing nose surgery, you will need to quit smoking for at least 4-6 weeks and stop drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours.

Your Consultation

During a consultation with Dr. Michelle J. Place, she will examine the patient’s nose and facial structure. She will also go over their complete medical history, including past procedures, current medications, and any allergies. This will help to avoid unnecessary complications.

A consultation can provide a detailed explanation of the options available and the look the patient wants to achieve. Dr. Place will answer any questions you may have and can walk you through preparation and recovery steps.

How to Prepare for Nose Surgery

Nose surgery can provide the best results if aftercare is done properly. Make sure to request time off work in advance to get enough rest.

Your movement may be restricted after the procedure. Because of this, you will need to arrange for help during the first 24 hours after the procedure. You’ll also need to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after surgery.

A week before the procedure, take a break from anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements. This will prevent complications during and after the nose surgery. Consult with your doctor for alternatives.

Dr. Place will provide a preparation list for recovery aids. Please make sure to gather these recovery aids in advance.

Arrange enough pillows on your bed to keep your head elevated when sleeping or resting. This will prevent any pressure on your nose.

The Procedure

Depending on the details of the rhinoplasty procedure, surgery can take between 1 and 3 hours. Surgery is done under light general anesthesia in a fully accredited outpatient surgery center.

At the start of the operation, incisions are created to help access the underlying tissues. Closed rhinoplasty is less invasive and involves tiny incisions concealed within the nostrils. Open rhinoplasty instead involves a single incision across the columella (the external skin between the nostrils). With open rhinoplasty, the skin is lifted for enhanced access.

Next, cartilage, bone, and soft tissue are altered to improve the nasal structure or restore proper breathing. Grafts may be used to bolster the strength of various regions. Sutures are used to close the incisions at the end of the procedure.

Nose Surgery Recovery

During the recovery process, a splint is worn for 1-2 weeks. Downtime is usually 1-2 weeks with exercise restrictions for 3-4 weeks. It is vital to avoid any activities that could cause trauma to the nose.

A degree of bruising and swelling is apparent following nose surgery; these disappear as time goes on. Discomfort may also be present and can be treated using painkillers as directed by Dr. Place.

During the healing process, patients need to keep their heads elevated, even while sleeping. Blowing one’s nose must be avoided, but in cases where it cannot be avoided, it must be done very gently.

“My experience (2nd one) was great”

5 5 Star Rating

My experience (2nd one) was great. She makes me feel comfortable and cared for.

by JC

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Place is a board-certified plastic surgeon, located in San Ramon, California, who is very skilled and has a vast amount of experience with the Rhinoplasty procedure. Contact Dr. Place to see how she can help you achieve your desired appearance.

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    100 Park Place Suite #240
    San Ramon, CA 94583

    Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
    Sat-Sun: Closed
